About Rebecca Jurss

Intuitive Energy Worker & Kinesiologist

My Story & Process

Through spiritual guidance I download a client’s Healing blueprint. This healing blueprint brings the client into connection with their Divine blueprint (their seed of potential, their purpose). Bringing together healing and spiritual communion with their individual ecosystems. I work primarily in the deep feminine, using archetypal principles to anchor energy into present time through the body. This is the deep power of embodiment.

I was initiated through a mystical experience. I saw my Dad in spirit after he passed away. He handed me light and it profoundly changed my life and initiated a deep spiritual reconnection and remembering. I believe to remember ourselves AS love is the great work of our lives. I now see it as my service and great privilege to share that light and what I came to know from following it.

To follow the path of spirit I had to learn to deeply trust the unknown, to drop from my mind into my heart and learn to follow it’s directives. MY INTUITION. Can you learn to trust the temple that is your own precious heart? It is a deep honour to connect with my clients and to initiate the power of truth and your powerful intuition.

I have a background in Biochemistry and Physiology which informs my work to this day. Bodies talk!!! I believe our Biology and Physiology is the technology to access what needs to connect to spirit in order to flow. It’s this awareness that lead me to study Kinesiology. Kinesiology is a modality that uses a biofeedback technique called muscle monitoring to accurately pinpoint both the conscious and subconscious areas of our being that require support and balance. This scaffolds both the healing process and spiritual evolution.

This allows for a deep release of things that have been held within the body that need to shift. Things that are released can be acknowledged consciously, but many things within the healing process need to go deeper into the subconscious mechanisms of the brain. Connection to spirit is the ultimate source of energy that animates through our body and allows all things not in alignment to the divine Blueprint to move and flow.

A session includes Mediumship as known spirits will often come through to me at the vibration of love joy and peace, to assist the evolution, genetic shifts and deep healing in their relative, my client. Your known spirits act as a divine bridge between this world and the infinite and ultimately the connection to your own soul.

In essence, I work through the body in connection with the mind and the spirit. This is the Holy Trinity of a Being’s integrity.

“Happiness isn’t having what you want,

it’s wanting what you have”...


The metaphor I like is that our seed (our infinite potential) is planted in the soil (our Earth/ our humanity for GROWING through examining our fears,shame,guilt etc...the wormy, hard stuff) coming into the sprout of our KNOWING ( integrity, alignment and congruence) and blossoming into the flower ( our FLOWING, our love, our potential). In session we hold space to turn soil together to transition into knowing...and flowing! Faith and trust is knowing the flower was always in THE SEED. You were born to grow, know and flow! Its not a comfortable process to work in the growth area ( the discomfort of growth). The hard work goes to the heart and we can do HEART THINGS! I love to hold space for that deep work on our creative feminine planet, Mother Earth and to remind you of the flower within. At this moment in history we are being called back to our belonging to her.

  • The Common Union - Communion
  • The Common Passion - Compassion
  • Common Unity - Community

All of this is available to us through our connection to the earth. The cornerstone and the absolute beginning of your spiritual life is your humanity. Your Being-ness.

I hold a Grace Space and a Faith Space for the holy union between your humanity and spirituality.

We examine and release any energetic blockages in order to embrace our essence and live in our highest expression of spiritual communion and flow. The primary relationship of your life is the one you have with yourself...all love starts with self-love. Through connecting to your own precious heart, we can honour the common heart that lives between us. The one heart...the one infinite consciousness....the flower of life.

It would be my delight and honour to serve you.

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